If you have trouble feeling overwhelmed by high temperatures, you may have been tempted to leave the fan on overnight. But it's not really a good idea …
Source: B92, Index.hr

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While fresh air is streaming in trying to make you happy, it sounds great, sleep with the fan included has its own bad side. While the fan increases the flow of air into the room, it also raises dust that can end up in your sinuses, which can cause allergies or asthma attacks.
The ventilator can also cause sinus irritation, which will produce more secretions due to drying, which can lead to sinus blockage, difficulty breathing and headaches.
In addition, increased air circulation causes increased skin dryness, and if you sleep with your mouth open, drying problems can be more serious.
The fresh air of the ventilator can also cause muscle stiffness, as well as cramps. This will particularly affect people who are near the head or neck, says Sleep Advisor.
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