With hemophilia, it can be normal to live


With hemophilia, a man is born and dies, but he can normally live with primary prophylaxis and early rehabilitation, said Dr. Dragan Mićić, pediatrician hematologist of the Institute for Mother and Child. Child of Banji Vrujci, a seven-day camp for children. hemophiliacs.

Source: B92

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Photo Thinkstock

"Today, we have enough medications, each patient gets as many therapies as he needs, so there are visible movements so that Camp participants have no joint damage, which is the purpose of this therapy, "said Mr. Mićić at a meeting at which experts spoke about recognizing and living with this about 130 children in Serbia.

During the seven-day camp, hematologists, physiatrists, dentists and other medical workers educate small patients and their parents to recognize internal bleeding and how to react, to learn about them. appropriate therapy and to use the intravenous drug.

It also highlights the importance of regular and personalized physical activity and the need for physiotherapy and rehabilitation after bleeding. It is about getting a functional adult person without physical and psychological limitations, able to be an equal member of society, said the organizer of the Kamp, Association of Hemophiliacs of Serbia.

"We try not to separate our child from other children, but to feel the affinities of society, to participate normally in all daily activities," explains Gordana Anelić, a six-year-old girl with hemophilia. As it is said, this camp helped her in a psychological aspect, because it is easier for them, as mothers, to realize that they are not the only ones and not the same.

This is a rare hereditary disease most often passed from a mother to a boy. Because of the inherent lack of one of the blood clotting factors, children with hemophilia are more likely to fall after falls, wounds, injections, and other medical interventions.

If hemophilia is not detected at this time and the child does not receive medication offsetting the absence of a blood clotting factor, he will develop large joint damage quickly when bleeding occurs most often and becomes invalid. (fbds.async = true; fbds.src) {var fbq = window._fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _ fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script" = "http://connect.facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js"; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ("script") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); window._fbq window._fbq || = []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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