With Miljan, I do not speak: Marko Miljković discovers why Kulić is arguing with Lunu (VIDEO) | telegraph


  Marko Miljkovic, Miljana Kulić, Luna Đogani

Marko Miljković's visit to the program "People"

pita "revealed that he He is not in good relations with Miljan Kulić

– With Miljan, I do not speak, we are in conflict with some of the newspaper entries, so we are no longer in good relations. we have a leg, I do not know what to say to you, "said Marko.

After that, Luni Đogani also spoke with him, after which "Zadruge" kept in touch

– We have not seen, there is communication on Instagram. He is now on the sea, we will see when he comes back – said Marko Miljković.

See what Marko said about Luni:

VIDEO: Miljana: Marko Miljković


Game info The last game of Jetset

Luna Đogani,
Marko Miljković,
MIljana Kulić,
Cooperative Rejoin

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