Woman for RTS on reforms in Ukraine


Petro Poroshenko points out that when he was elected chairman of the country's GDP, that country was down 10% and now has a growth of 5.3%.

"When I became president, gold reserves were lower than The Ukrainian government backed its proposal two weeks ago to support its proposal to create the anti-corruption court, said Poroshenko

There is nowhere in the world

"Our partners, including Serbia, are learning from our" We reformed the pension, health care and health care system. education, we have reached the transparency of the privatization process – and as long as we have a war in the east of the country, "he said.

He stressed that the Serbian President and Prime Minister have confirmed to him how much Serbia respects the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine

"Last year, my decision was not to participate in a football competition the self-proclaimed country of Kosovo took part in it. "I said no," Poroshenko emphasized

You can watch Peter Poroshenko's entire interview in the news. "Oko magazin" show tomorrow.

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