Women in Black organized the action "Srebrenica 8372"


The organization "Women in Black" organized the action "Srebrenica 8372" on the Republic Square in Belgrade.

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During the campaign, the victims of the Srebrenica genocide in 1995 expired and counted 8,372 to report the number of victims of Srebrenica

Participants in the 39, action developed a long black canvas. and read the names of the victims, then pointed out the big banners "Srebrenica", "Responsibility" and "Solidarity", as well as the boards of directors with the number of victims in front of which the white petals have grown up to at the end of the campaign. Women in Black President Stasa Zajovic told reporters that the organization and its affiliated organizations from all over the country scored the biggest crime in Europe after the Second World War and added that in Serbia At the level of the state and society, genocide continues to be denied. Srebrenica.

Stressing that Serbia is the only country where no verdict in which the crime of Srebrenica has been labeled genocide has been brought to court, Stasa Zajovic said that it was necessary to break with the burden of crimes the past.

"Until the break with the past, we believe that certain types of genocide continue: it is necessary to respect the established facts of the ICJ, to recognize the dignity and suffering of the victims and to grant to the organizations of the civil society a permanent place To build a monument to the victims of the genocide in Srebrenica, Serbia is the only country to have violated the Convention on the Prevention of Genocide, "said Stasa Zajovic.

Affirming that state president Aleksandar Vucic is leading genocide denial in Srebrenica, she added that a significant portion of opposition politicians do so.

"Action is the way to build the living memory of a symbolic monument.This year it is dramatic that there is complete ignorance and lack of interest. This shows that the propaganda of a permanent lie, falsification, relativisation and justification of the genocide is why, at the head of the state with Vucic, they want to erase any trace of responsibility of the 1990s, "she said.

As she has said, the representatives of the government in Serbia have absolutely no reason to go to a commemorative meeting tomorrow at the Potocari Memorial Center because they did not fulfill any moral or political obligation.

"They did everything to prevent the adoption of a resolution on the genocide in 2015 … I consider the acts of apology of ceremonial character, cynical, shameful and humiliating for the victims , invalid if one does not take responsibility for what happened in the 1990s for which active participants were in the form of war criminals and in different positions, "said Stasa Zajovic .

A rally on the Republic Square was provided by the police and a few meters from Women in Black, a man held a transparency "The Hague – Lying" and "Stop anti-Serb hate propaganda" [19659015] (function () {var _fbq = window. _fbq || (window._fbq = []); if (! _ fbq.loaded) {var fbds = document.createElement ("script"); fbds.async = true ; fbds.src = "http: // connect. facebook.net/en_US/fbds.js";var s = document.getElementsByTagName (" script ") [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (fbds, s); _ fbq.loaded = true}}) (); _fbq = window._fbq || []; window._fbq.push ([“track”,”6022054961321″,{“value”:”0.00″,”currency”:”EUR”}]);
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