YOU DO NOT NEED CHILDREN: Apply the OVE stuff and watch how the kilos are dripping! | fun


Every woman wants to have the perfect figure, but many do not go together. In order to lose weight, we usually resort to diets that are not healthy, but there is a much simpler way to lose weight.

Here are some tips for reducing caloric intake, which will help you reach your desired weight without major changes in lifestyle and diet.

Beware of Walnut Fruits
Nuts are extremely healthy and should be part of your diet. They contain healthy fat, but they are not a problem. The problem is that with nuts, it is difficult to control. This is rare to hold with one hand. If you can not really be moderate, opt for sweatshirts because both hands contain 159 calories.

Drinking Coffee Without Milk

Coffee with a lot of milk can hold up to 300 calories.

photo: profimedia

The short espresso has only 30 calories
Switching to a regular black coffee does a favor to your figure. Reducing Juice and Sugar Consumption – It's often forgotten that juices and sugary drinks are caloric.
A cup of sweet tea can hold up to 180 calories
Gaseous and non-gaseous juices are often the biggest danger for a slim figure. Therefore, as far as possible, avoid juices and softening drinks and reduce caloric intake up to 400.

Choosing a Minimum of Plates

Research has shown that people who eat food in smaller plates eat less, but that's why they do not stay that much less. Maybe you do not seem to be an effective trick, but it is definitely worth a try.

Do not eat in front of the TV
People who eat in front of the TV most often ignore the amount of food that they eat. If you have trouble controlling snacks in front of the TV, opt for popcorn, which, though it's not fried in butter and is not very salty, contains very little calories.

photo: profimediaŽena/Foto:Profimedia


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