You have not loved love for a long time? Here is everything that can happen to you


Sexual life can suffer for many things. He may suffer for lack of time, work, family … but did you know that lack of sex can negatively affect your health?

Source: Več

  Photo: Thinkstock

Photo: Thinkstock

Depression without reason

Women are more likely to fall into depressive states when they abstain from sex but do not mean not necessarily that lack of sex causes depression. Research published in the Archive of Sexual Behavioral Archives reveals that women whose partners use a condom may also be depressed.

Scientists believe that this is because of some sperm constituents, such as melatonin, serotonin, and oxytocin. Sex is sometimes used as an escape valve, and Scottish scientists agree that people who are absent from sex tend to suffer from stressful situations such as public appearances, as opposed to those who have had a relationship in the past. last two weeks. During sex, serotonin, a hormone well known for happiness, relaxes you, say scientists.

Risk of developing prostate cancer in men

Men who abstain from sex pass protection that is commonly used by the prostate. In a study presented at the US Urology Association, men who often have sex are 20% less likely to develop prostate cancer.

Lack of Immune System

Lack of sexual activity can weaken your immune system and can deprive you of all the benefits it provides. Pennsylvania scientists have found that people who love love twice a week also benefit from 30 percent of the greatest release of immunoglobulin (IgA), which is the first line of defense against viruses.

Increasing Uncertainty Linked

No sex, less happiness, connectivity and security in the partner. Life without marital sex can have a negative impact on self-esteem, and there are also suspicions in the partner's vernacular. In order to avoid paranoia and the possible interruption of the relationship, hold your hands, love and offer unexpected gifts … Show that you care and this will help revive your partner, Več written.

Men eat erectile dysfunction

Do you have sex? Do not become something that needs to be … Men who rarely love love are twice as likely to experience erectile dysfunction, according to a study published in the American Medical Magazine.

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