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07/18/2018. 17:58

  Sadness, Depression

Sadness, Depression, Photo: Shutterstock

Loneliness According to a study by Brigham Young University, published in Perspectives on Psychological Science, the Social isolation and lack of social ties further increase this risk, which makes experts think that loneliness may be just as human health as obesity or smoking

Researchers have made a difference between people who feel alone and those who do not really have contact with the outside world. The study showed that there are people in risk groups who are themselves, but feel happy, as well as individuals who have many social contacts but who feel lonely

– If we tell people to be more friends with others, this could to solve the problem of social isolation, but not the feeling of loneliness. It is therefore necessary to accept that both categories are equally important – the head of the study Juliana Holt-Lunstad

Experts argue that technological development affects the fact that more and more people are living in social isolation and have less and less face. On the other hand, research has shown that achieving friendly and romantic relationships reduces stress, improves immunity and gives meaning to life.

– It is essential to maintain close and close relations with loved ones and to have a rich social life

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