Severe COVID cases drop below 500 for first time since mid-August


The number of patients hospitalized in serious condition due to the coronavirus fell below 500 on Tuesday for the first time in nearly two months.

As of midnight Tuesday, 1,678 new cases of COVID have been confirmed, with active infections rising to 36,037, according to updated figures from the Ministry of Health.

There have been 1,296,125 verified infections since the start of the pandemic and 7,853 deaths.

According to the Health Ministry, 6,153,823 people in Israel received at least one dose of the vaccine and 5,662,909 received two injections. 3,606,065 others, or nearly 40% of the population, received a third dose.

The number of serious cases stood at 489, the lowest since August 13.

Israeli researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science predict that severe coronavirus cases could drop to 250 by the end of the month, according to the Haaretz daily.

Éran Segal. (Courtesy of Eran Segal)

Professor Eran Segal, a computational biologist at the Weizmann Institute and a senior government cabinet adviser on coronaviruses, told the newspaper that if severe cases continue to decline at the current rate, they are expected to be between 250 and 350 by the end. of October.

He attributed the drop in the R-number – the number of new cases resulting from each coronavirus infection – to the roll-out of booster shots and inoculation of more people who were not previously vaccinated.

Segal also said he believed the number of people who have recovered from COVID could double the official figure of 1,252,077.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said earlier Tuesday that despite the promising figures, “we cannot become complacent about this elusive virus”, and pledged to continue pushing for booster vaccines and membership in the Green Pass across the country.

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