Sharks attack in North Carolina: 17-year-old girl in Atlantic Beach, North Carolina, suffers "deep lacerations in leg, pelvis and hands"


Atlantic Beach, N.C. – A ranger said a 17-year-old girl had been bitten by a shark on a beach in North Carolina and had been seriously injured. Paul Terry, a ranger from Fort Macon National Park, told WCTI-TV that the teenager had been attacked by a shark while he was swimming around noon Sunday.

Officials from the Atlantic Beach Fire Department said in a statement that the teenager had suffered "deep lacerations in the leg, pelvis and hands". She was transported by helicopter to the Vidant Medical Center in Greenville, about 80 km to the north.

Later Sunday, the hospital identified the victim as Paige Winter in a statement. The hospital said the winter was in "good condition". Describing the teenager as a champion of marine life, the hospital says Winter "wants people to continue to respect sharks in their environment and their safety."

Last week, a Man from California is dead after being attacked by a shark while swimming in Hawaii. One witness said that he was missing a leg when he was sent to shore.

Last month, a bunch of great white sharks – some researchers have been following for more than ten years – gathered about twenty kilometers from the coast of the Carolinas.


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