She is 102 years old. She lived through the 1918 flu and now she’s beaten the coronavirus – twice


And now the 102-year-old New York resident has just started over. She survived a second coronavirus diagnosis, according to her daughter, Joanne Merola, who spoke to CNN affiliate WPIX.

“My invincible mother has tested negative,” Merola said.

CNN has contacted the North Westchester Restorative Therapy & Nursing Center where Friedman lives, but has not yet received a response.

Angelina Friedman celebrates her 101st birthday.

Friedman’s first diagnosis came in March after being in hospital for a minor medical procedure, administrator Amy Elba told CNN earlier this year. Upon her return, she had tested positive, Elba said.

At that time, she spent a week in the hospital before returning to isolate herself in her room. With an intermittent fever for several weeks, Friedman finally tested negative on April 20, Merola told WPIX.

At the end of October, Merola received a call from the nursing home, she told the affiliate, “to tell me that she had tested positive again”.

“She had symptoms – fever, dry cough,” Merola said. “They thought she might have the flu too.”

With more staff and sick residents, Merola said older residents have been isolated. She received daily updates on her mother, until November 17, when she learned that Friedman had tested negative.

A second test confirmed the negative results and Friedman was returned from her isolation to her usual room.

Although she has lost most of her hearing and her vision is poor, she still celebrates life.

“She’s a mover and a shaker,” Elba told CNN earlier this year.

Friedman was named Prom Queen at the nursing home last year.

Friedman’s enthusiasm certainly did not come without difficulties.

In 1918 Angelina Sciales (now Friedman) was born on a ship that transported immigrants from Italy to New York. It was in the middle of the 1918 pandemic. The baby is not thought to have contracted the disease.

Her mother died giving birth and her two sisters helped her survive until they could reunite with their father in New York City, where they lived in Brooklyn, Merola told WPIX earlier this year.

Merola’s mother and father battled cancer at the same time, but her father has passed away.

One of 11 children, Friedman is the last survivor.

Yet Friedman continues to be a source of joy and entertainment for those around him. She is a great knitter and does all kinds of things for visitors. She threw a big party for her 101st birthday and last year she was crowned prom queen.

“She’s not the oldest to survive Covid,” Merola told WPIX, “but she may be the oldest to survive it twice.”

CORRECTION: This piece has been updated to correct the number of people who have died from Covid-19 around the world. It’s 1.5 million.


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