Shots in Lancaster: possible elite fighter on the run after hurting MP


The bullet came from a four-story building and touched the MP's chest while he was in the parking lot, said Lancaster Mayor R. Rex Parris. The member was wearing a bulletproof vest, which saved his life by deflecting the ball in his shoulder.

The MP was transported to the hospital.

"As the mayor of Lancaster, I can not begin to tell people how sorry I am to live in a city where this happens," he said. "It shakes the core of everything we have."

Parris described the gunman as a sniper and said he would be in a government-subsidized facility for people with mental health problems, facing the sheriff's job. A school near the shooter was locked up and the students evacuated.

"It's a tough tactical situation," Parris said. "There is no control over who enters or leaves the building and there are always people inside."

The Mayor congratulated the sheriff's department for its swift management of the situation, saying it could have been a lot worse. "We can not live in a society where this happens, I do not understand that it happened in our city," he said.

The city of Lancaster has about 170,000 inhabitants and is an hour north of Los Angeles.

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