Signs and symptoms of prostate cancer indicating that you are at risk


Prostate cancer affects thousands of men each year. In the United States, nearly 175,000 new cases are expected in 2019 with more than 31,000 deaths due to the disease, according to the American Cancer Society.

The disease is known as the second most common cancer in American men. Estimates show that one in nine men in the country will develop prostate cancer during his lifetime.

A man's chances of having the disease increase dramatically when he reaches 50 years of age. Another risk factor is race. Experts said blacks were twice as likely to die of prostate cancer as whites.

Having a close relative, such as a father or brother, who has developed the disease is also a problem. Having more parents with prostate cancer increases the risk of developing it, according to WebMD.

The American Urological Association said men between the ages of 55 and 69 should consider screening for prostate cancer. In some cases, early treatment may help prevent the disease from spreading and having side effects.

"The disease can be successfully treated when it is detected early, usually when it is still in the prostate," said Alexander Kutikov, head of the department of urologic oncology at Fox Chase Cancer Center. in Philadelphia. "However, some types are aggressive and can spread quickly, in which case the chances of successful treatment may be lower."

It is important to know the symptoms of prostate cancer. Knowing how to observe your body and certain changes can help you recognize the disease earlier and get immediate treatment.

Symptoms of prostate cancer

The disease in its infancy usually has no symptoms. Doctors may require a PSA test or an ERD test to determine prostate cancer.

According to, symptoms may appear when the disease reaches an advanced stage. They can also appear when the cancer has already spread to the outside of the prostate. These symptoms include:

  • Frequent urination
  • Blood in the urine or seminal fluid
  • Low or interrupted urine flow
  • Pain or burning sensation during urination
  • New onset of erectile dysfunction
  • Sitting pain due to enlarged prostate
  • Swelling or accumulation of fluid in the legs or feet

If you experience these changes, it is important to consult a doctor for screening.

Man A man is holding his crotch. pixabay


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