Signs that you are getting one of the ‘most painful’ cancers


Pancreatic cancer is one of the most dreaded forms of cancer, not only one of the deadliest, but also one of the most painful. “Pancreatic cancer remains one of the most painful malignancies,” wrote the authors of a study in the Global Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology. This is because in the absence of a routine screening test, pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed after an advanced stage, spread to the abdomen or bones, or pressure against other organs or the spine. . The best hope is early detection, to catch the cancer before it spreads outside the pancreas if possible. Here are some of the early signs of pancreatic cancer. Read on to find out more and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Have A ‘Long’ COVID And You May Not Even Know It.

Outdoor warm-up in autumn, hands on hips, back pain position.  Conceptual photo, close-up

Pain that radiates to the back can mean a lot, most often not serious. But it can also be a sign of pancreatic cancer, says the American Cancer Society. A tumor that starts in the pancreas can put pressure on nearby organs, causing pain. Sometimes pancreatic cancer can affect the nerves around the pancreas, causing back pain.

Close-up of woman on toilet in the morning

The pancreas produces enzymes that help the body digest fat. Pancreatic cancer can interfere with this process. The result may be oily or loose stools, a sign that your body is not breaking down dietary fat properly. Bile and bilirubin turn brown, but if the bile ducts are blocked with a tumor, the stools may be lighter in color, or even clay or gray in color.

Woman suffering from nausea

If you feel nauseous or vomit after eating fatty foods, this could be a problem.another sign that a pancreatic tumor could be preventing the body from digesting fat. Pancreatic tumors can cause partial blockage of the digestive tract, causing heartburn, nausea, or regurgitation. If this happens to you repeatedly, call your doctor.

Patient jaundice with yellowish discoloration of the skin compared to normal skin color.

Jaundice, or yellowing of the skin or eyes, occurs when bilirubin, a component of bile, builds up in the blood. Bile travels from the gallbladder through the common bile duct, which passes through the pancreas. If a tumor grows in the head of the pancreas, it can block the common bile duct and bile flow, and jaundice can result.

If you suddenly develop type 2 diabetes while eating a balanced diet and at a healthy weight, it could be a sign of pancreatic cancer. This is because the pancreas produces insulin, which regulates blood sugar. A tumor can interrupt this process, potentially causing the sudden development of Type 2 diabetes. It may also be the reason why people with well-controlled diabetes suddenly find the disease difficult to manage. And to live healthier life, don’t miss these 13 daily habits that are secretly killing you.


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