Signs you have COVID-19, new data shows


Coronavirus symptoms remain the same as ever, however, the new Delta variant changes the order of the most common, according to data from the Zoe COVID Symptom study. “Fewer symptoms were reported over a shorter period of time by those who had previously received a vaccine,” the report says, “suggesting that they were getting less seriously ill and improving more quickly.” according to the study. So what were the top 5 symptoms of the new COVID variant? Read on for the 5 and to ensure your health and the health of others, don’t miss these Sure Signs You Have A ‘Long’ COVID And You May Not Even Know It.

Portrait of female doctor suffering from headache in clinic

Portrait of female doctor suffering from headache in clinic

COVID-19 is a repertoire-transmitted disease, but that doesn’t mean that it only infects your lungs. In fact, many victims, from Delta or elsewhere, suffer from severe inflammation and neurological disorders, resulting in headaches or migraines. No surprise then, this is the No. 1 most frequently reported symptom according to the study. The researchers found “a COVID headache for:

  • Be moderately to severely painful

  • Feel yourself “pulsing”, “pressing” or “stabbing”

  • Occur on both sides of the head (bilateral) rather than in an area

  • Lasts more than three days

  • Be resistant to regular pain relievers “

“At the start of the pandemic, it was believed that having a runny nose was not a symptom of COVID-19, and was much more likely to be a sign of a regular cold,” the researchers explain. “However, data from the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app suggests that having a runny nose may be a sign of COVID-19.” They add: “The likelihood of your runny nose being caused by COVID-19 is influenced by the prevalence of the disease at the time.”

Man sneezing into his elbow.

Man sneezing into his elbow.

“Sneezing is not normally a symptom of COVID-19, and much more likely to be a sign of a common cold or allergyThe researchers warn. “Even though many people with COVID-19 can sneeze, this is not a definitive symptom as sneezing is so common, especially during the warmer months when people can feel it there is fever. However, data from ZOE’s COVID study suggests that sneezing more than usual may be a sign of COVID-19 but only in vaccinated people. “

The woman checks the thyroid gland with her hands, keeps her palms on the neck.

The woman checks the thyroid gland with her hands, keeps her palms on the neck.

A classic symptom of COVID-19, a sore throat remains one given the Delta variant. “We have to be very vigilant with the symptoms of the common cold,” says Brian Curtis, MD, Vice President of Specialty Clinical Services for OSF HealthCare. “As a society, we were sort of dismissive of cold symptoms, but we can’t ignore them now. If you just have a sore throat with no other symptoms, it’s less likely to be COVID-19. along with other symptoms, you may have COVID. Sore throat, cough, fever – I would be worried about COVID. “

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Man removing facial mask to smell lemon

Man removing facial mask to smell lemon

A characteristic symptom of the original strain of COVId-19, a loss of smell remains, but not as dominant, according to the study. “Anosmia is one of the most common symptoms of COVID-19, affecting an average of six in ten adults (60%) between the ages of 16 and 65 at some point in their illness. It is less common in children. (35%) and affects about half of adults over 65 with COVID-19, ”they write.“ Data from the ZOE COVID Symptom Study shows loss of smell to be the most common symptom predictive of a positive test for COVID-19. “If you have this symptom, or any of these—

– get tested as soon as possible or talk to your doctor. And to protect your life and the lives of others, with Delta on the rise, be careful in any of these 35 places where you’re most likely to catch COVID.


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