10 things we hope to see in the Avengers 4 trailer


10 things we hope to see in the Avengers 4 trailer

Detail of the feature

The rumor has the long awaited trailer for Avengers 4 is scheduled to drop tonight following a special screening of Avengers: war in the infinite.

Of course, it remains to be seen if this is true or not. In the meantime, however, at Epicstream we've compiled a list of 10 things that we hope to see in the Avengers 4 trailer. Check them out, then let us know in the comments section what you want to see in the trailer when it finally arrives.

# 10- Ant-Man & The Wasp

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As packaged as Avengers: war in the infinite was, many heroes shone by their absence. Among these heroes are Ant-Man and the Wasp, who starred in the film of the same name in July. That said, let's hope that we will have a glimpse of the dynamic duo on the topic of insects in the Avengers 4 trailer (or at least Scott, given the apparent disappearance of Hope).

# 9- Hawkeye / Ronin

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Another character who was missing War of Infinity was Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye, which was a surprise. However, while we certainly want to see Clint in the Avengers 4 trailer, it's not Hawkeye, but Ronin. In comics, Clint took on the role of Ronin in the pages of New Avengersand rumors suggest that he will adopt this nickname for Avengers 4, presumably as a result of the death of his family at the touching hands of Thanos.

Name of the author

Jon Arvedon was born and raised in the not so bad streets of central Massachusetts. Jon uses his time, his collection and his sharing of all aspects of nerd culture. Follow Jon on Twitter @JonArvedon.

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