Sacha Baron Cohen teases a mysterious new project related to Donald Trump


The long and turbulent relationship between Sacha Baron Cohen and Donald Trump seems to have taken a turning point, with the actor telling himself that his next project could be centered on the current President of the United States

. Cohen reserved the business magnate for The Ali G show, interviewing Trump in the role of Ali G.

After being asked to give his opinion on a commercial idea of ​​the character (gloves ice cream) cut things.

Come 2012 and Cohen was promoting his film The Dictator and decided to crush the Oscars, throwing "ashes" on E! Ryan Seacrest host on the red carpet.

For some reason, Trump responded to the incident by posting an online video, calling Cohen a "third-rate character" and saying "I only wish that he would have been hit in the face so much of times that it would be in a hospital. "

The Host Celebrity Apprentice added that the actor should return to school and" learn to be funny ". Trump then went on Twitter to add, "I never fear for scams. I am the only person who came out immediately from my interview 'Ali G. & # 39;

Cohen decided to wait a moment to answer, telling James Cordon that he was the first to achieve [Trump’s] ad ** k ""

The Trump-bashing continued in The Brothers Grimsby the movie with a joke about Trump being infected with HIV from Daniel Radcliffe's Blood.Cohen also arrived at the premiere wearing a "Make America Great Again" hat accompanied by a group of men waving "Vote Trump" signs.

Cohen's next project seems to want to go even further.The Borat actor posted a video on Independence Day (July 4th) with the video from Trump of 2012 criticized by Cohen, but this time with credits: "He's back like you've never seen before – soon graduated from Sacha." Look at the top of this article

What this means exactly is unknown because no other details have been published. However, you can probably expect Cohen to once again be controversial.

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