Christian de Portzamparc selected as Laureate of Praemium Imperiale 2018


Christian de Portzamparc selected as Laureate of Praemium Imperiale 2018

  House of Dior, Seoul. Image © Nicolás Borel

House of Dior, Seoul. Image © Nicolás Borel

The French architect Christian de Portzamparc was named 2018 Laureate of the Praemium Imperiale Arts Award for Architecture. The prize, awarded by the Japan Art Association (JAA), recognized Portzamparc for his "imaginative architectural style … known for his distinctive traits such as daring designs, an artistic approach and the creativity that comes from his work as a watercolor painter. "

Christian de Portzamparc took on prominence in the early 1990s after the completion of the Cité de la Musique in Paris.The music complex at the urban scale marks a significant change in the French public architecture of the time, going beyond the traditional construction of Fine Arts and opening a new era in French design.De Portzamparc received the Pritzker Prize for Architecture in 1994, described by the jury as "… a talented composer using space, structure, texture, form, light and color all shaped by his personal vision.This architecture reinvented, as idiosyncratic as it is original …"

  City of Music, Paris. Image © Flickr user laurenmanning licensed by CC BY 2.0

  Philharmonie Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Image © Wade Zimmerman "class =" thumbs__img b-lazy "data-nr-image-id =" 5b461fdff197cce0970002b1 "data-pin-nopin =" true "data-src =" images / 5b46 / 1fdf / f197 / cce0 / 9700 / 02b1 / thumb_jpg / Philharmonie_Luxembourg__Luxembourg._Image_% C2% A9_Wade_Zimmerman __. jpg? 1531322328 "height =" 125 "longdesc =" / 5b461fdff197cce0970002b1-christian-de-portzamparc-selected- as-2018-praemium-imperial-laureate-photo "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw == "title =" Philharmonie Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Image © Wade Zimmerman "width =" 125 "/>
</a><br />
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  Cidade das Artes, Rio de Janeiro. Image © Nelson Kon "class =" thumbs__img b-lazy "data-nr-image-id =" 5b461fbbf197cce0970002af "data-pin-nopin =" true "data-src =" images / 5b46 / 1fbb / f197 / cce0 / 9700 / 02af / thumb_jpg / 2Cidade_das_Artes__Rio_de_Janerio._Image_% C2% A9_Nelson_Kon __. jpg? 1531322292 "height =" 125 "longdesc =" / 5b461fbbf197cce0970002af-christian-from-portzamparc-selected- as-2018-praemium-imperial-laureate-photo "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw == "title =" Cidade das Artes, Rio de Janeiro. Image © Nelson Kon "width =" 125 "/>
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  One57, New York City. Image © Wade Zimmerman "class =" thumbs__img b-lazy "data-nr-image-id =" 5b4621e8f197cc4be4000530 "data-pin-nopin =" true "data-src =" images / 5b46 / 21e8 / f197 / cc4b / e400 / 0530 / thumb_jpg / ONE57_ (c) _Wade_Zimmerman.jpg? 1531322850 "height =" 125 "longdesc =" / 5b4621e8f197cc4be4000530-christian-de-portzamparc-selected- as-2018-praemium-imperial-laureate-photo "src =" data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw == "title =" One57, New York City. Image © Wade Zimmerman "width =" 125 "/>
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Other notable works include the Philharmonie Luxembourg, the Credit Lyonnais Tower in Lille, the Cidade das Artes in Rio de Janeiro and the Dior House in Seoul.

This is the 30th edition of the International Prize for Praemium Imperiale Arts, recognizing "outstanding contributions to the development, promotion and progress of the arts" in the fields of architecture, painting, sculpture, music and theater / film. Past winners in the Architecture category include Rafael Moneo, James Stirling, Tadao Ando, ​​Alvaro Siza, Richard Rogers, Zaha Hadid, Peter Zumthor, David Chipperfield, Steven Holl, Dominique Perrault and Jacques Herzog and Pierre de Meuron

. The winners are:

The 2018 awards ceremony will be held on October 23 in Tokyo, where the winners will receive a unique gold medal, a letter of recommendation and a prize of 15 million yen ( approximately $ 135,000). // Callback function
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