The road to hell is paved with good intentions
At just under two and a half minutes, this viral Fortnite clip is one of the biggest stories of good intentions that went wrong
has not heard, Fortnite is basically one of the biggest games right now, mainly played as a royal battle scenario where up to 100 players can gather on a colorful card and attempt to recover weapons and items in an attempt to be the last person standing. You can build, you can set traps, you can build a shopping cart. It's like real life!
The game has become so popular that it has even triggered some of these "violent video games that will turn your kids into monsters", pieces that are always really great.
No matter what you think of Fortnite or video games in general, the following clip is really exquisite. Find out what happened when the Aussie Muselk streamer tried to mount a rescue mission.
After releasing a player, Muselk quickly realized that he was potentially trying to help another player who fell on the side of the card.
Having changed his mind, Muselk decided to build a way for the player to go back up, but quickly discovered the biggest problem: the player was outside the build limit, which means that he was not able to do anything. there was no way to build stairs all the way to the player's location. They should use a nearby golf cart to get leverage. That's … when everything went to s ** t
A redditor claiming to be the player that Muselk wanted to help, Chappadoodle wrote what the experiment was like their point of view after the clip was "A moment later, a golf cart falls quickly to me, when it comes to my mind, it is possible that this golf cart is coming off the ledge in the ocean, killing my Savior and condemning any chance of rescue in the "
" Without hesitation, I got between the golf cart and the ocean to prevent the golf cart from slipping off of the map, but I forgot the recoil that I received at the impact … "
Honestly, one of the greatest twists of all time.
Featured Image: Epic Games via Twitter @FortniteGame.
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