President Donald Trump spent all week finding ways to shock Americans every day by "tying electrodes to a different part of us," said Stephen Colbert at the Late Show Summit
. horrified "by the hell of Trump's Helsinki," the late-night host said, describing, "Where Putin was playing chess … Trump ate his own ladies."
Everyone around Trump was forced to spend the week in between him and Putin, so "all that sleaze thing can be put behind them and the administration can go back to the business of the people of caged toddlers, "continues Colbert
Then Trump lobbed another grenade, tweeting Thursday morning that he looks forward to his second meeting with the Russian strongman.
It was vague. For their first meeting, Trump had to go to neutral Helsinki. For meeting 2, "where would he meet even a universally convicted war criminal who personally ordered the attack on our election?" Colbert "wondered."
The White House press Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced via Twitter in the afternoon, leaving DNI Dan Coats ask Andrea Mitchel of MSNBC, "Say that again?" when she told him the news during a TV interview at an economic forum in Aspen, Colorado. President, you have just found the strength to admit that Putin is personally responsible for attacking our election! Colbert raved, wondering the following: "I want Putin for a sushi dinner, I want Bill Cosby for the slumber party, and security will be provided by MS-13. Realize it.
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