Lockheed & # 39; Martian & # 39; changes logo to celebrate landing on Mars | CMO Strategy


Lockheed Martian logo

Lockheed Martian logo Credit: Lockheed Martin logo, image of Mars by istock

In a touch of humor rarely seen by a founding member of the military-industrial complex, Lockheed Martin changes his name and logo to Lockheed Martian for 24 hours to celebrate the landing of the Mars Space Probe InSight.

The last Mars landing gear was designed, built and tested for NASA's Lockheed Martin Reaction Propulsion Laboratory (among others), according to Alex Walker, marketing manager for the company's space division. In addition to the LockheedMartin.com credits, the temporarily revised logo will also appear on multiple Times Square screens starting at 2:00 pm. at 6 pm this afternoon and on Lockheed Martin's Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channels.

Logo provided by Lockheed Martin

Lockheed Martin has designed spacecraft for each of NASA's missions to explore the surface of Mars over the past 40 years, but it's the first time that the company modifies its logo to celebrate the future. 39; event. The InSight mission aims to examine for the first time under the surface of the planet.

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