Microsoft's Alain Crozier on US technology companies in China


"Because some governments – and this is not China but China and many others – want protection, they want to make sure that they bet on a system. network or cloud, they are the two most important components of any strategy, so there's a way to make sure you can control what's happening in those spaces, "said Crozier.

"I would say that you have to compromise, you have to adapt, you have to work hand in hand with the customers, be it China, Germany, Croatia or Brazil," he said. added.

China is a lucrative opportunity for global technology companies. Although it is one of the most powerful states in the world, Beijing has allowed some sectors, such as local Internet companies, to develop relatively unrestricted.

This is part of the "Made in China 2025" plan in which the country is investing heavily in high-end technologies such as artificial intelligence to catch up with rivals like the United States and Germany. In addition, China's massive population offers high-tech companies an important market.

When asked if this meant that US technology companies might have to compromise on certain principles to operate in other parts of the world, he explained that companies would not always work in a "confined environment".

"You're going to have to work with your neighbors and they can not behave, they can not react – the policies are the same thing, I think you have to be able to navigate that, and again, be very patient and focus only on the long term, "said Crozier.

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