Rain's Agency makes official statement after meeting with alleged victims of fraud + promises of prosecution


Rain's agency, Rain Company, has reviewed the situation in which his parents are accused of fraud.

Previously, a user posted on an online community that Rain's parents had borrowed rice and money in 1988 and that his parents had never repaid them. Internet users have also uploaded a photo of a promissory note regarding debt. A little later in the day, Rain's agency issued a press release in which she said she was trying to verify the truth.

On November 28, Rain Corporation issued another official statement saying that Rain's father and a representative of the company had met with the alleged victims and had not been able to verify the loan documents at the time. Of the reunion. The agency also said that when the debt would be verified, Rain would repay the amount, but that the company would also sue the alleged victims for defamation.

Read the full Rain Company statement below:

"Hello, that's Rain Company.

"On November 27, an online community published an article about the mother of our agency, Rain. As she passed away, he had to check the real nature of the relationship. We confirmed that a representative of our company and Rain's father had personally met the user and tried to have a discussion.

"However, there was no acknowledgment of debt when they met and they were unable to verify the original promissory note. [The netizen] claimed that the corresponding account book was at home, so they could not confirm [its existence].

"In addition, the alleged victims claimed 100 million won (about US $ 88,700) as payment, because of insulting and abusive language inflicted on the family.

"In the end, as [Rain’s father and the company representative] were unable to verify the documents at the meeting, they decided that [the settlement money] It was not fair.

"Through a fair process of auditing the amount of the debt, the alleged victims claim to be liable and, after confirming the amount, Rain will assume his moral responsibility as a son and will repay the full amount.

"However, the alleged victims severely defame the names of our artist Rain, his father, and especially his dead mother, through malicious interviews and expressions that they have evoked (" disappearance "," fraud "," refusing to admit "etc.).

"In order for the names of our artists and family members to be restored, we will pursue all possible legal proceedings in civil and criminal cases."

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Top Photo Credit: Xportsnews

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