Russia announces its intention to establish a lunar colony from here 2040


Russia plans to establish a lunar colony by 2040, the Federal Space Agency said Wednesday after talks on the country's long-term space program.

A previous program developed by the Federal Space Agency Roscosmos in 2014 provided a three-step plan to send humans to the lunar surface to set up an infrastructure for a colony. Hundreds of budding cosmonauts submitted nominations to become the first Russians to land on the moon.

"The lunar program will be implemented in several stages by 2040," Roscosmos said Wednesday after a joint session with the council 's space council. Russian Academy of Sciences.

The first step is launching a module in orbit around the moon, the RBC news website reported, citing Nikolai Sevastyanov, president of the Russian company TsNIIMash, a rocket and spacecraft company.

The second phase would consist of sending the country's first human mission to the moon and begin construction of a long-term base between 2025 and 2034. The third phase of the program provides for the completion of the construction of the base from here 2040 and the establishment of a system of exploration of the moon. "

The construction of the lunar colony is expected to begin at the end of 2025, said Yevgeny Mikrin, chief designer of Russia's manned space programs, according to the state-run RIA Novosti news agency, during a presentation on Wednesday of the draft program. lunar.

Dmitry Rogozin, head of Roscosmos, said the final document of the lunar program would be finalized by the end of February 2019.

At the joint session on Wednesday, scientists also proposed to establish a telescope on the dark side of the moon to collect space data as part of the lunar program, said RIA Novosoti, director of the Pushinsky Observatory, Lunam.

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