Fortnite accused of video game addiction in children requiring digital rehabilitation


Epic Games' Royal Battle Game is increasingly criticized for allegedly contributing to video game addiction in children.

Fortnite has again been criticized for having a detrimental effect on young players. A child psychologist says that there has been a marked increase in the number of children attending a counseling because of video game addiction, which may or may not be related to the assimilation of players since the launch of the game.

"This game is like heroin," said Lorrine Marer, British behavioral specialist, whose job is to take care of children suffering from video game addiction. "Once you're hooked, it's hard to get off the hook."

Bloomberg reports a number of parents and professionals recounting their experiences on Twitter including a 17-year-old teenager who plays 12 hours a day and falls asleep in class, more than half of some groups of children are advised for video game addiction in some North Carolina camps where they play excessively .

"I have never seen a game that can put such control over the minds of kids," said Debbie Vitany, the 17-year-old's mother.

It's not just kids who have these problems, because professional athletes are plagued by the addictive nature of Fortnite.

"The Vancouver Canucks of the National Hockey League have had such a hard time getting players to meetings and dinners they ban from Fortnite on the road." David Price, Boston Sox star launcher , who have won the World Series of Major League Baseball, has been scratched since the beginning of May against rival New York Yankees because of wrist problems that may have been exacerbated by the Fortnite game. "

Fortnite has invaded the modern American class like no other game, distracting children during school hours, which has led to the ban on gambling and its various dances.

Just a few months ago, the A.V. club said it had been cited in more than 200 divorce proceedings.

Fortnite has recently exceeded 200 million players, making it one of the most played games of all time.

You can keep up to date with Fortnite news on our hub.

Shabana is an independent writer who loves JRPG, wine and not finishing games. To follow her Twitter and Instagram.

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