Google Maps: the scariest place in Street View revealed by users | Travel News | Trip


According to site users, Google Maps Street View has yet stumbled upon its most "scary" location. The team's cameras travel the world to locate geographic coordinates, as well as images of routes and landmarks to be published online, so users can set their own route and search for iconic locations to watch for throughout. of their course. Still, a trip saw the Google Maps company set up in Hrebendova, Slovakia, which sparked a reaction. The neighborhood is located in the western part of the city and is dominated by a subdivision created in 1979.

The cameras showed blacks of the tower with balconies filled with linen and discarded items.

Residents could be seen walking and playing on the sidewalks, while others were resting on the grass on the outside.

We could see garbage on the floor, while some apartments were closed.

Scribbled graffiti could be seen on the unoccupied buildings, giving the property a sense of disorder.

On the Reddit forum website, a user has described it as the most "scary" place in the world.

When asked, "What is the scariest place you can find on Google Street View?" They replied: "Hrebendova."

"Luník IX, Slovakia. Large Roma community in Slovakia where poverty and disease are extremely high, heating, water and gas are cut off from the domestic world and the unemployment rate reaches 100%. "

We then had fun saying, "Better roads than Michigan".

On then posted: "It's the saddest thing in this thread for me.

"The child / adult ratio is overwhelming, and the glaring lack of cars for the number of people living there is insane.

"And then there's this: just a baby on the floor alone."

Meanwhile, recently reported a horrible road accident in a Street View scene in Scotland.

It showed a man who seemed to have to take more notice of the Google Maps website and his instructions.

The motorist decided to take a ride with friends in the hilly countryside.

The group then headed to the coastal road to Ardmair Beach, on a tarmac surrounded by greenery.

Yet, perhaps unfamiliar with the sharp turns of the secondary roads, his lack of awareness was clear.

Turning left from the main road, to take a side road with a better view of the water, he plunged his car into a ditch at the corner of the street.

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