A man suffers injuries to his spine after being hit by a falling concrete slab in front of Jalan Besar hotel in Singapore


A man was hit by a falling concrete slab in front of the Wanderlust Hotel in the Jalan Besar area on Tuesday night (November 26th).

Stomp understands that the man was sitting on a ledge outside the hotel when the incident occurred.

He is thought to have had spinal injuries and is unable to move the lower part of his body.

In response to a request from Stomp, the Singapore Civil Defense Force (SCDF) reported receiving a medical assistance call along 2 Dickson Road around 11:40 pm and transferring a person to Tan Hospital. Tock Seng.

Chua, Stomp's contributor, was in a nearby cafe when he and other guests heard a sound.

In a telephone interview, he told Stomp: "It was very loud and it looked like something had fallen.

"We then realized that the concrete slabs had fallen and hit a guy sitting underneath."

Chua provided several photos that he took at the scene, showing the man lying on the sidewalk and surrounded by a crowd.

Large concrete slabs and debris can be seen around it.

In a video filmed by Chua, the victim can be seen in the conscious state, the hand extended.

Chua added, "The man seemed to be in pain and could not move at all."

Rohaizat, a Stomp contributor, also alerted Stomp on several incident videos circulating on social media.

In a clip, one can see the man leaning against a balustrade in a kneeling position, before an older man helps him lift him to the floor.

The man seemed to moan in pain when passers-by told him, "Ambulance to come."

Other videos showed paramedics assisting the man and an ambulance at the scene.

SCDF officers can also be located outside the building with a ladder.

Stomp solicited comments from the BCA (Building & Construction Authority).

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