Actress Jayley Woo leaves her full-time artist position at Mediacorp


Local actress Jayley Woo has left Mediacorp as a full-time artist after deciding not to continue his contract with the agency The Celebrity Agency.

The actress wrote in a Facebook post on Tuesday, July 3, that she will continue to assume proper roles despite the departure of Mediacorp, which means that she will be able to continue working with the broadcaster at the future in the context of one-off projects

"This decision was not easy to take," he added.

Woo would look for potential opportunities abroad, including possible projects in China. ) – sm "type =" text "content =" She has been a staple in Channel 8 programs in recent times, with major roles in dramas such as Have A Little Faith (2017) ) and Life Less Ordinary (2017-2018) She made her acting debut in local drama Jump! in 2012. "data-reactid =" 28 "> It has been a staple in Channel 8 programs in recent times, with major roles in dramas such as Have A Little Faith ] (2017) and Life Less Ordinary (2017-2018). She made her acting debut in local drama Jump! in 2012.

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "It will be in the next series Toggle Glitch as well as the Channel 8 drama Jalan Jalan which will start shooting next month "data-reactid =" 29 "> It will be in the next series of Toggle Glitch as well as the drama Channel 8 Jalan Jalan who will begin shooting next month.

Woo follows other high-ranking local celebrities who have left Mediacorp, including Michelle Chong, Gurmit Singh, Jean Aw, Belinda Lee and Sharon Au, who recently left in February this year.

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