Alyosh said, are willing to forgive the infidelity


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Alyosha also commented on rumors about her third pregnancy.

Alyosha recently unveiled a new video clip for the hit Dama. In the plot of the film, the singer faces the betrayal of her beloved husband and a complicated revenge. During an interview with Katya, Osadchaya decided to ask the artist if in her real life she would be a place of treachery and that she would be able to forgive him, reports Chronicle. info with reference to

According to Alyosha, whose husband surprised the fans by speaking of treason, the same fate escaped him. However, the singer is sure to be able to forgive the infidelity if the reason is not a feeling of love: "The experiment is fortunately not yet, but could. If it's just cheating and it's not a love, then why not? "

In addition, the song Dama a lot of fans Alyosh heard a hint of pregnancy. The singer's family is composed of 4 people (myself Alyosha, her husband Taras Poplar and her two sons, Roman and Mark), the fans drew a parallel with the lyrics of the song "We Vier Sonts, Bodø na Yat" . They concluded that by using their favorite songs, they decided to talk about the upcoming addition.

Katya Osadchaya has decided to endow me with this situation. She asked Alyosha how the rumors of her third pregnancy were true. The artist's response was ambiguous: "Do not hide the fact that I dream of having a girl. When she comes, only the Lord will know.

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