Aquaman Review – Critics Already Call Aquaman Best DC Movie Since Dark Knight


DC had a lot of difficulties recently. With the exception of Wonder Woman, the comic book empire has failed to create good entries in its own cinematic universe. His films on Superman, Batman and Justice League were so bad that the future of the entire DC Extended Universe was questioned. Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck leaving their respective roles of Superman and Batman, it is unclear whether this modern film version of the Justice League is dead as quickly as it began. At the same time, Warner Bros. and DC have put together a schedule of upcoming movies with multiple confusions. Joker separate films and universes (?).

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However, it is possible that the extended universe of DC finally offers good news long awaited. After the first screenings of AquamanWith Jason Momoa, critics seem rather happy.

Tom Jorgensen, cohost of the IGN podcast, said Aquaman is "the best DC movie since The black Knight. [James Wan] delivers an epic of politeness full of thrills, stunning underwater graphics, exciting action and lots of laughs. WB should give the reins of the DCEU to James Wan, he proved that he could do it, ahem, aboard the ship. "

Germain Lussier from Gizmodo called Aquaman "A big fun and wild ride. It is undoubtedly melodramatic and bursting with the broadest and most ambitious meaning imaginable. Some parts are pretty bad, but they are not in the majority and, curiously, they always fit in the cartoony's tone. 2nd best DCU movie. "

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This # 1 is likely Wonder Woman.

Meanwhile, Peter Sciretta, publisher of Slashfilm, said the film was "better than expected", adding that it "looked like a Marvel Phase 1 movie, in a good way." C & # He's at his best when he's having fun and does not take himself too seriously Black Manta This is a big bad guy that comic book lovers will love, a few unique hits and a very successful action. The third act, which is not part of the typical blah-blah trap of the comic strip, is surprisingly ambitious, as one can probably deduce that Wyn inherited the decisions made by Snyder (casting, chemistry between Heard / Mamoa, etc.). "

Others, like screenwriter and director Ben Mekler, have even called it "underwater". Star wars. "

Praise! This is rather surprising news, given the expectations of the character Momo's Aquaman in Justice League. We will see ourselves when the film will be released on December 21st.

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