Are you safe at home?


I do not know if you've ever wondered if you're safe at home. I have and I have been asking this question for a very long timee.

The recent police raids conducted at the home of Terry Xu, editor of The Online Citizen, and Willy Sum, a blogger, apparently with the permission of our most respected institution, our courts, are irrefutably confirmed . that Singapore is a very dangerous city.

Singapore is not safe, not because people are unscrupulous, unreliable and are crooks. No, Singaporeans are the nicest on the planet. We are courteous and always helpful.

Singapore is dangerous because people who are supposed to protect them are no longer able to do so.

We all know that the police have the power to wake you up in the middle of the night and search your home. Raids took place before the recent cases of Terry Xu and Willy Sum. Do you remember the president of the Sungei Road Association, Mr. Koh Eng Khoon? He was woken up at midnight and his home was ransacked by the police? They took away his mobile phone and never apologized, even though they soon realized that they had mistreated and traumatized an innocent old man and his wife.

Do not worry that you are not Terry Xu, Willy Sum, Koh Eng Khoon or me, and you will never search your house. Like you, we have never imagined that our homes, our refuge, could be the subject of a search and that our most personal and valuable possessions – our cell phones, laptops, desktops, thumb drives and tablets are seized by the police. We have not committed any crime. All we did was give our honest opinion online. In the case of Terry Xu, he allowed those who did not have the word to express themselves and reach a wider audience.

We are told that Terry Xu and Willy Sum are being investigated for alleged criminal defamation of "the most senior government officials" (ST 21 Nov. 2018). Who are these so-called highest officers? Why are they so privileged that they have the right to call our police force to investigate their questionable requests? Why can not they bring civil suits against Terry Xu and Willy Sum?

But hold on. I can be wrong here. They, these "highest government officials" have not filed a police report against Terry Xu or Willy Sum. It is the Infocomm media development authorities or notoriously known as IMDA who file the police report.

So my question is, did these so-called "senior government officials" order IMDA to file the police report, which then forced her to ask our courts for permission to search Terry Xu's homes? and Willy Sum?

I do not know, and I hope these "top government officials" will answer my question. If they did not allow IMDA, then why was the police report filed? If they allowed them, I unequivocally claim that they abused their power and destroyed the people's trust. And I require an answer.

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