Bethesda presents future plans for Fallout 76


Bethesda broke their silence regarding Fallout 76'S problems in a Reddit article yesterday, but after being criticized as a "copy / paste" response, it was removed. Today, the company has released more comprehensive plans describing Fallout 76'S updated for the future.

Bethesda posted on / r / FO76 a discussion thread entitled "Communication Moving Forward" that recognized consumers' frustrations with gambling and talked about future projects that deal directly with gambling complaints. have said:

We know that you are frustrated and irritated by the current state of affairs, whether it is problems you are experiencing in the game or lack of communication regarding patches, updates, or the news.

Bethesda has also published a new article on its official website that will be part of a new series entitled "Inside the Vault." In this paper, they discuss future updates to Benefits 76.

The next game update will be launched on December 4, including raising the reserve limit. Players have a personal reserve to store their belongings, and one of the most desired fixes has been the increase in size. It will grow from 400 to 600, which will allow to store many more items.

Another important addition to this fix is ​​solving a problem where the players remained stuck in the power armor. Sometimes, players could not leave their power armor and even suffered shocking visual changes in their character.

Other adjustments include the leader who assigns the correct number of loot, players receiving cold-based effects when they are hit by Cryolator's weapon and the ability to reappear at the card marker on closer if they are overloaded.

The next update is a week after December 11th. PC enhancements such as instant messaging, 21: 9 resolution support, and field of view settings are also provided.

Also in this update, once players reach level 50, they can choose a "SPECIAL SPECIAL" allowing them to choose new bonus cards or move between SPECIAL points. The last two changes are significant in the improvement of C.A.M.P. functionality:

  • CAMP. Positioning on Login: Your C.A.M.P. will no longer be automatically blue and stored if someone occupies your position when you connect to a server. Instead, you will receive a notification that your space is occupied. If you decide to find a new home for your C.A.M.P. on this server, it will be free. However, if you do not attempt to deposit your account, you will be able to move to a new server where this post is vacant and to your account. will be fully assembled and waiting for you.
  • Bulldozer: This is a new C.A.M.P. feature that will allow you to remove small trees, rocks and other obstacles to facilitate the creation and placement of your C.A.M.P. when and where you want it You can also use the bulldozer to erase these objects from the surrounding area so that your C.A.M.P. to feel more at home

Finally, Bethesda recognizes that the last patch was very large and will try to reduce this size in the future.

In the future, it seems that Bethesda will have a more consistent line of communication, but there is still a lot of work to be done for the company.

If you'd like to read our thoughts on Fallout 76, check out the review here.

Fast setting

All this is a step in the right direction, but the game still has a long way to go. I am a supporter of increasing the size of the reserve and the new C.A.M.P. options, but that will not fix the lifeless gameplay. The game still runs below normal and there is still no real incentive for PVP. I hope that in the future, once all technical problems and quality of life changes are resolved, they will create new content that will make for a more fun experience.

Do you like these changes? What are your biggest problems with Fallout 76 until there? Let us know in the comments below!

Austin Suther

I like to write and I like to play. So, I've combined these two hobbies into one! Some of my favorite games include Fire Emblem, Halo, The Elder Scrolls and World of Warcraft. Sometimes I also like to read an occasional fantasy novel!


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