Beyonce and Jay-Z make the Louvre des mones ** while the museum proposes a thematic visit


The Louvre went apeshit for Bey and Jay (Image: Tidal)

It's been only a few weeks since Beyoncé and Jay-Z has blinded us with the release of their hit album Everything Is Love – and it already influences the art of the high-front.

Switch to Mona Lisa! The Carters take control of the Louvre.

With over 59 million views on YouTube, the video of Mr and Mrs Apeshit, an ode to black empowerment and black art filmed at the Louvre, inspired a tour of the world-famous museum. Paris art.

That's right – this week, you can take a tour of the Louvre focusing exclusively on the art of The Carter's clip out on June 16th.

The Louvre Museum in Paris (photo: Getty Images)

An overview on the Louvre website announces a 90-minute visit including the portrait of A black woman of Marie Benoist and the Da Vinci Mona Lisa as well as the Venus de Milo.

17 classic masterpieces are included in the tour, which is conducted in French – so it may be time to brush up on your French and master a little more & # 39; s bye & # 39 ; and & # 39; hello & # 39;

The video clip Apeshit sees The Carters perform in front of such plays as Portrait of a Negress (1800) by Marie-Guillemine Benoist, The Coronation of Napoleon (1806) of Jacques Louis David -07), and The Charging Hunter of Théodore Géricault (1812).

Blue Ivy's parents and twins Sir and Rumi close the Louvre for a day to create one of the most artistic musical videos of all time – no wonder

They surprised everyone with the announcement of new music during their London concert in June, followed soon after by the six-minute video filmed in the famous museum.

(Photo: YouTube)
Beyonce and Jay-Z clearly have a heap of influence (Picture: YouTube)

Beyonce owns the track, taking center stage and holding several scenes by her -Even, while she lets Jay-Z figure for a few moments with her own rap. It also appears only in Beyonce's plans, while Bey takes center stage several times. Know your place, Jay.

They pose in front of the Mona Lisa, and Beyoncé crushes her incredible post-baby to remove her usual crazy dance moves.

And the conspiracy theorists put two and two together for I realize that this video may have been the so-called "surprise trip" that Jay took with Beyoncé, which made him miss the Gala Met.

PLUS: Jay-Z missed the wedding of Kanye and Kim because he was fighting with Beyonce.

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