Bodysuits, boots and masks galore at the opening of Comic-Con in San Diego


There were bodysuits, boots, and masks galore in San Diego as thousands of comic, superhero, and anime fans flocked to the opening of Comic-Con Thursday

<img class = "picture__ picture lazyload" src = "data: image / gif; base64, R0lGODlhAQABAAAAACH5BAEKAAEALAAAAAABAAEAAAICTAEAOw ==" alt = "19659004] Eli Garcia dressed as the Killer Croc character of the Batman series pose at of the first day of the Comic Con pop culture convention in San Diego, California, USA July 19, 2018. REUTERS / Mike Blake

SAN DIEGO: There were bodysuits, boots, and masks in San Diego as thousands of comics, superheroes, and anime fans flocked to Opening Comic-Con Thursday

Among the highlights of this year's Comic-Con include the following: troduction of the first "Doctor Who", played by British actress Jodie Whittaker, and reunions for the cast of the American series "Breaking Bad"

Celebrations are also organized to celebrate a decade from the Marvel Cinematic Universe media franchise and the 25 years of the sci-fi show "The X-Files", animated film "The Nightmare" Before Christmas ", and the blockbuster movie" Jurassic Park ".

"We love the family feeling here," said Miguel Capuchino, who was dressed as a male version of a female character from "The Nightmare Before Christmas". 19659010] "It's just a group of geeks who gather and there is not"

The annual four-day event, which began as a meeting between science fans -fiction and comics in 1970, is now the largest convention of its kind, with more than 130,000 people attending groups of guests and visiting places featuring paintings, comics, movies, television programs and gaming programs.

(Report by Rollo Ross, Writing by Karishma Singh, Edition by Himani Sarkar)

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