Chinese scientist is the proudest of genetically modified babies, East Asia News & Top Stories


HONG KONG • The Chinese scientist who claimed to have created the first genetically modified babies in the world defended the highly controversial procedure, but said the lawsuit would be suspended following an international outcry.

Dr. He Jiankui said yesterday at a busy biomedical conference in Hong Kong that he was "proud" of having succeeded in altering the DNA of binoculars born to an HIV-positive father – a advanced medical apparent.

But the details of the experiment, which have not been independently verified, triggered an immediate reaction, experts denouncing Dr. He's work as an ethical "mess".

Dr. He said: "The clinical trial has been interrupted because of the current situation.For this specific case, I am proud, in fact, I am most proud."

The university professor said their DNA was changed to prevent twin girls, born a few weeks ago, from contracting HIV. Eight pairs of volunteers – HIV-positive fathers and HIV-negative mothers – enrolled in the trial, including one that was dropped before the break.

He said that there was "another potential pregnancy" involving a second couple, but when he was questioned in more detail, he stated that it was about a "second pregnancy" involving a second couple, but when he was questioned in more detail a chemical pregnancy – a term for early miscarriage.

The experiment has sparked a heated debate among scientists about the risks involved. Experts said that modifying human embryos could create unexpected mutations in other areas, called "untargeted effects," likely to have a lifelong impact.

Dr. He, answering questions from the audience, said: "Volunteers have been informed of the risks of potentially out-of-target potential and have decided to become established." He also stated that he personally had taken charge of most of the patients' medical expenses and that his university in Shenzhen City, in the south of China, was not aware of the medical expenses. ;study.

The Southern University of Science and Technology has distanced himself from Dr. He, claiming that he had been on leave without pay since February and had "seriously violated the academic ethics".

The organizers of the second International Summit on Human Genome Modification, where Dr. He spoke yesterday, also said that they were unaware of his work.

Conference moderator, Robin Lovell-Badge, said Dr. He's trial was a "step backward" for the scientific industry, but nonetheless described the babies' birth as "memorable" .

"This is an example of an approach that was not cautious and proportionate enough, but it is clear that it is a historic moment."

Nobel laureate David Baltimore, the summit's president, said there had been "a failure of self-regulation by the scientific community".

Dr. He, who studied at Stanford University, explained that the DNA of the twins had been altered using CRISPR, a technique that allows scientists to remove and replace a strand of DNA with extreme precision.

Gene editing is a potential solution for inherited diseases, but it is extremely controversial because the changes would be passed on to future generations and could potentially affect the entire gene pool.

In many countries, the editing of human DNA is tightly controlled.

Dr. He did not reveal the identity of the participants in his trial.

Assistant professor of the University of Massachusetts Lowell, Nicholas Evans, tweeted, "Do not get me wrong, privacy is essential here, but I'm afraid no one ever manages to independently corroborate the story. . "



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