Citing bipolar disorder, Jang Keun-suk to perform alternative military service


Diagnosed with bipolar disorder, the actor Jang Keun-suk will fulfill his military duty as a public service worker.

The actor will enlist on July 16, announced Friday his agency Tree J.


According to the agency, Jang was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2011 in a university hospital. He was later found unfit for active service by multiple health examinations by the Military Personnel Administration.

"Jang did his best to overcome bipolar disorder, working to find his balance, even suffering from sequelae.We are sorry (that he did not) achieve a satisfactory result," he said. l & # 39; ads.

He continued that although his state of health was "private information", Jang wanted to share his situation with the public because he grew up as an actor thanks to the fans who drove him for a long time.

Jang is addressed to his fans directly via his official website the same day.

"I want to use the two years that are given to me as the most meaningful moment of my life.Beginning at a young age, I think I never rested nor that I spent time for myself, "he writes." It's a short break. Be wise, be healthy and I love you. "

The news came as a surprise, as the agency denied a report on the case just Monday.A local media reported that the actor was due to join the army on 19 July and that he was going to be a public service worker, having received a level four at the physical examination.

The Jang agency, however, denied the report to the 39, Time, saying that the date of enrollment had not even been fixed.

The actor earned the nickname "Prince of Asia" by playing in different drama series such that "Beethoven Virus", "You're Beautiful", "Love Rain" and "Pretty Man". actor, he recently completed the dramatic series "Switch."

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