Daniel Bryan says "good luck" that he signs with the WWE


Daniel Bryan's contract with WWE expires on September 1, and the ongoing drama surrounding it will eventually re-sign with the company is one of the hottest topics in the wrestling world.

In almost all the interviews Bryan gives these days, the subject arises. That was the case while WWE was shooting in Japan recently, and Bryan gave a somewhat different answer than he had before. He has certainly given the impression of re-signing with WWE what he intends to do, even if he has not done so yet.

"The wrestling world is an interesting world right now, but I like to work with WWE." The woman [Brie Bella] is part of the WWE so there's a good chance I'll re-sign her

This contrasted with some recent interviews that Bryan gave where he states that WWE ignores his ideas and he conveyed a lack of confidence that the company could reserve a long-term rivalry between him. and The Miz in a Successful Way Due to Bryan's non-signature, WWE is reluctant to reserve him for a championship program or a main post, which is understandable.

With a young child now at home Bryan wants to work on any new contract that he agrees with WWE, which is one of the major claims he would have made during the contract negotiations, which are still underway. the success that he has and the power of attraction of which he contends Injury to enjoy, Bryan certainly has a certain weight in the negotiations.

Speaking of the Podcast Gorilla Position last week, Bryan said: It's because I do not want to be on the road, as it's one of the great things.

He continued, "You do not realize how long you have left before you left because we never had to think about it before. For example, when I left before or when Brie was gone before, I missed her, but we can Facetime and we can talk, so it's nice. But when you're away from your baby, it's a completely different thing and it makes you feel sick. And she, so I will be at home for a period of three days out of a month because it was like 10 days for the Saudi trip, 18 days here [on Europe] and only at home three days, so that's why It's 31 days and I'm home for three and a half days. A baby is growing a lot in a month. Like, she'll do things when I come back that she was not doing when I left. And some things she did, she will not do it anymore. And that kind of thing makes me sad. "

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