The Second Floor DLC for South Park: The Fractured But Whole Bring the Crunch presents a mysterious camp counselor mystery as well as new friends and abilities to use.
RPGs based on South Park usurped fantasy and superheroes. It seemed inevitable that at some point the nerdy horror films would have the same treatment. And that seems to be the case when the last South Park DLC: The Fractured But Whole comes out in two weeks, entitled "Bring the Crunch".
"Bring the Crunch" finds the boys still playing superheroes, but do it during the summer camp. During their stay at the camp, councilors disappear in what appears to be a way on Friday 13 . You, along with your new friend Mintberry Crunch, who is also an alien from his home planet who brings the powers of mint and berry to your team, need to understand what's going on and put an end to it before the camp is over. 39; summer is not destroyed
Although there is no trailer, from the description and pictures, as mentioned before, this seems like an effort to chant movies of Horror such as Friday the 13th . The games of South Park are usually the most fun when they invent a genre rather than trying to do something common in pop culture, so hopefully that's what happens here.
buddy, this DLC adds a new class, called "Final Girl". Although it is not explained what is this class, it is probably a reference to the famous slasher parody film The Final Girls There will probably be inspired by this film.
If you have already bought the Season Pass for South Park: The Fractured But Whole you can grab the "Bring the Crunch" DLC as part of that when it comes out on July 31st. Otherwise, it's $ 11.99 for all platforms. You must already own South Park: The whole fragmented in order to play this DLC because it's not standalone, but you can also bring your new abilities and your new extraterrestrial friend Mintberry Crunch in the main game. 19659012] !! (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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