Dropboxes to be reviewed by the FTC


The US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has agreed to start investigating the boxes, with a focus on their impact on children.

By Polygon, New Hampshire Senator Maggie Hassan, interviewed FTC commissioners at a hearing by the Senate Subcommittee on Commerce, Science and Transportation about surprise boxes, as well as as other urgent matters. The brief exchange on the issue can be found here.

"We have discussed the surprise boxes, which allow in-game purchases with real money for surprise winnings, and most of you have agreed that it's all about money." an area in which additional oversight could be exercised by the FTC, "said Senator Hassan during his interrogation. are now endemic in the video game industry and are present in all areas, from games of chance on smartphones to the latest high-budget video games.

"According to the latest research estimates, the surprise boxes will represent a $ 50 billion industry by 2022. Children could be particularly likely to participate in these integrated purchases, which are often seen as integral components of video games."

Senator Hassan then referred to research in Britain, which links potential gambling habits to the use of loot boxes, raising the concern that children may become addicted to this type of behavior after buying booty boxes.

"Given the gravity of the situation, I think the time has come for the FTC to study these mechanisms to ensure the adequate protection of children and to educate parents about the potential for addiction or the other negative impacts of these games, "she said. FTC President Joe Simons then confirmed his request and agreed to embark on a surprise box research project.

This follows a report this morning that an Australian Senate committee presented its final report examining video game boxes, recommending a "comprehensive review" of the practice.

Elsewhere, countries such as Belgium and the Netherlands impose bans on loot boxes, while New Zealand, the United Kingdom and Ireland do not currently consider them to meet the criteria of the game.

Colin Stevens is a news editor for IGN. Follow on Twitter.

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