Enjoy the sun, without the sun burn


Enjoy the sun, without the sun burn

The sunburns happen, they arrive at the best of us

The sun shines and the pool beckons us and we are filled with the burning desire to have color. But it's easy for this burning desire to turn into another type of burn, the painful red type that makes skin sag after a few days.

Sunburn will keep you away from the pool for a few weeks, but it leaves a more permanent mark.

UV light from the sun damages skin fibers called elastin, causing degradation and sagging of the skin. So trying to look better with short-term color can sabotage your future appearance. It also has more harmful damage, such as precancerous skin lesions, tumors and deadly melanomas.

But your body also needs the sun and the balancing properties of vitamin D, and life is too short to hide. the sun shines forever.

Fortunately, you can take these steps to avoid sunburn:

The sun can be a blessing and a curse. When you try to get your tan, sometimes things do not go as planned and you end up with a 2nd degree burn.

The sunscreen that contains SPF 15, 30 or 50 will protect your skin better if you're spending time outdoors, but above 30 FPS it's better. For optimal protection, apply ANYTIME sunscreen without burning for about 30 minutes before going out to bed.

Reapply every hour is the average recommendation, but this should be done more frequently after sweating or sweating. When reapplication, do not forget the lips and ears, two places where skin cancer can also form.

Obviously, if you are at the beach in a swimsuit, the clothes are not in the picture. But for everyday activities like going to work, traveling, or during any other form of outdoor activity, you will want to wear the right costume.

If you are one to burn easily, plan to wear tight woven / loose fitting clothes. This tactic really helps as a protective barrier against the sun's rays. Specifically, try to dress with dark colored clothing because they absorb the most UV rays.

Want to wear something fun for the summer? Bright colors like red have been shown to help as well!

The sun's UVB rays are the main reason for the burn and cause serious consequences such as cancer and premature aging.

Between noon and 4 o'clock, the sun The rays are particularly dangerous because your skin is most vulnerable to sunburn. If you can help it, it is best not to go out for an extended period during this time. But if you do not have a choice, do not forget to load your sunscreen and hide yourself in the shade!

It's essential to nourish your skin, so whenever you plan to go out, remember to be smart and prepared! Do not be fooled, the hair will only protect your head. If you have children, it is especially important that they stay covered. The scalp can burn quite quickly without us realizing it. Defend your head with a protective hat that covers the shoulders of sun exposure. The sun can have a negative impact on the eyes because of the thinness and fragility of the skin of our eyelids. Investing in a good pair of sunglasses that block these harmful UV rays is always a good idea.

Sorry tanning enthusiasts, but tanning oil does more harm than good. If you are looking for that "healthy" glow, tanning oil can be risky. The levels of sunscreen in tanning oil are pretty low, so it's best to avoid sunburn with sunscreen.

Do not worry, you can always tan!

The more you seek to become dark, the more you have! I am probably loading the oil. So, applying oil throughout your tanning session instead of sunscreen can promote a lot of health problems, such as skin cancer. But if you can not do without it, look for a tanning oil containing a good amount of SPF.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered that taking Omega-3 can help protect from the sun and enhance immunity against the sun. In their study, a dose of 4g of omega-3 per day was shown to reduce the suppression of the immune system induced by sunlight. There are many ways to make sure that you consume enough food.

In addition to supplements such as fish oils, they are found naturally in olive oil and salmon or hemp seeds. The health benefits of omega-3 are not limited to the skin: they also protect the brain.

Processed foods are bad for you on many levels, but they also compromise the quality of the skin

On omega-3 fatty acids, you should avoid full processed diets, including vegetables, soybean oil, corn oil and sugars. Avoiding these greasy and fried foods can protect your skin from sun burns and make you even more beautiful when you are at the beach.

So the next time you're tempted by a processed food, ask yourself if you want to be fat and burned or have a healthy weight and skin. In addition, many processed foods may increase the risk of contracting other cancers.

Foods rich in antioxidants are also a surefire way to increase immunity against the sun's harmful rays.

Cherries, blackberries, kale and spinach foods rich in anti-cancer antioxidants that protect cells against the sun. Many fruits are also rich in vitamins C and E that will reverse the effects of aging sun damage.

So, eating healthy not only will lengthen your life, but can complement your skin care routine.


By R. Charles Murphy, Ph.D., President / CEO Penta5 USA, LLC

Paul Ebeling, Publisher

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Paul A. Ebeling, polymath, excels in various fields of knowledge. An analyst in model recognition in stocks, commodities and foreign currencies and author of the "Roadmaster Red Technical Report" on the Major Market Indices ™, a popular weekly letter on the financial markets, he is also a philosopher. subjects to a suite of more than 250,000 cohorts. An international audience of opinion leaders, business leaders and global organizations recognizes Ebeling as an expert.

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