Frustrations increase against AVA as Tampines wildcats continue to be brutally mutilated by wild dogs


The streets of Tampines are no longer safe for the cats of his community of residents. A group of about 11 wild dogs have roamed the district for several months now, hunting and walking their felines for sporting purposes.

The wardens of the neighborhood's big cats are probably heartbroken by the brutal death of more than 10 cats and are fighting to prevent dogs from being killed again. Even for non-cat lovers, the sight of dead bodies of mutilated and bloody animals would be a painful sight in residential areas.

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "As such, members of the Support Tampines Cat Caregivers (STCC) The Facebook group formed a patrol team of seven members to comb their neighborhood at night to scare the dogs. But according to one Channel NewsAsia According to our information, the patrols had a tiring impact on the volunteers: they are now obliged to do it on Fridays and weekends. Rachel, a member of the STCC, suggested short-term solutions, such as boarding stray cats at home to protect them from danger. "Data-reactid =" 31 "> For example, members of the Tampine Support Cat Caregivers Facebook group (STCC) created seven patrol members to comb their neighborhood at night to scare dogs. Channel NewsAsia According to our information, the patrols had a tiring impact on the volunteers: they are now obliged to do it on Fridays and weekends. Rachel, a member of the STCC, suggested short-term solutions, such as installing stray cats at home to protect them.

<p class = "web-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Singapore Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA) a was contacted to provide assistance and the authorities were assured that she was working with animal welfare groups and veterinarians to manage the stray dog ​​population in Singapore.The STCC contacted dog protection groups such as Save Our Street Dogs and Animal Lovers League but no answer, reported NAC. "data-reactid =" 52 "> The Singapore Agribusiness and Veterinary Authority (AVA) was approached to provide assistance and assured that it was working with animal rights and veterinary groups to STCC contacted dog protection groups such as Save Our Street Dogs and Animal Lovers League but received no response, reported NAC.

Nevertheless, the problem of stray dogs remains a problem. The pack of dogs has become even more daring now, wandering around Sunplaza Park during the day, without fear of humans.

"We ask for action"

Exhausted and stressed by the problem, which has not been solved, Facebook's user, Nickolas KS Lim, sent a moving letter to AVA, urging the authorities to fix it. A district official in the People's Association ministry said the man regretted that the AVA was not taking the issue seriously, despite the huge efforts and sums invested by good Samaritans.

"For you, AVA, it is only one case, but for many people, these cats are friends / families. The children say hello to them, wave to them, sit with them and hang out with them, "Lim wrote. "Every night, you do not react and you do not answer: we examine the question" and you sleep in an air-conditioned room. ALL cats with whom we live so happily are in mortal danger. "

"If you go through ALL the photos you've probably received, you'll know they're just bitten and jittery like ragdolls. There have been sightings of other dogs being chased by this pack as well. When will we do something? When someone's kid is attacked? What do we teach society? That the life of a cat or that of another dog is worth less than a human being? Remember that they probably did less harm than you and I in our lives. "

He reiterated that AVA simply needed to remove the alpha dog from the rest of the pack.

"We are not asking for anything unreasonable, we are asking that steps be taken to search for this package, trap the alpha, separate the package. We know you have a lot to do, but make sure that people who do not feed pigeons are less important than what we are asking you right now.

"Please, stop" looking into the question "and actually do something about it."

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The message Frustrations increase against AVA as Tampines wildcats continue to be brutally mutilated by wild dogs appeared first on Coconut. "data-reactid =" 108 "> The post-frustration frenzy against AVA while the Tampines Street cats continue to be brutally mutilated by wild dogs first appeared on Coconuts.

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