Google changes the name of Project Fi and also brings it to the iPhone


San Francisco, November 29 (IANS) Google has renamed its wireless network Project Fi to Google Fi, while making it available for a wide range of Android devices as well as for some iPhones in the United States.

Google Fi is now available for select models of Huawei, LG, Motorola, Samsung, Essential, Nokia, OnePlus, Xiaomi, HTC, Google and Apple.

Launched in 2015, Project Fi aimed to make the wireless experience fast, simple and fair to users. It provided features at no additional cost, such as international data coverage in 170 countries and territories, spam protection, and data-only SIM cards for other users' devices. .

It has also introduced a feature called Bill Protection – which gives users the ability to use unlimited data when they need it, but only pay for what they use.

"Whatever phone you use with Fi, you'll benefit from excellent Fi features, such as reliable coverage, simple group plans, and high-speed international data coverage for the same rates as at home, "said Simon Arscott, director of Project Fi at Google, wrote in a blog post.


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