Harry Potter: The 7 stupidest things Dumbledore ever did


With Fantastic Beasts 2 showing us a young Albus Dumbledore, now played by Jude Law, people are once again treated on the screen longer with one of the most beloved characters in the Harry Potter saga. And that means we see more of his seemingly endless bad decisions.

Law is now the third actor to play famed Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore in nine films. He is considered one of the greatest wizards to have ever lived and the best director Hogwarts ever had. It is said that to this day, people still refer to the death of Dumbledore in the main series of Harry Potter as one of the greatest detractors of the twenty-first century.

But once you start looking closely, you realize that Dumbledore is not only an imperfect character, but rather a terrible director. The Harry Potter series had a lot of characters that the public liked despite their flaws, but it's safe to assume that when you're around 100, you must be wise enough not to make those simple but awful mistakes. Here are the seven worst decisions of Dumbledore.

Warning: this list is entirely based on the movies. We know that the books offer more details, but after the endless retouching of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, who knows how long they will stay?

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