Homeworld Studio gets his ass on Mars


To celebrate the successful landing of the InSight probe on the Red Planet, Blackbird Interactive (now in charge of Natal world) and NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory have released a version of their Project Eagle Basic software Mars.

I wrote about it in 2017; while not Thuit's still a very realistic program that serves as an interactive model for what a realistic colony on Mars might look like.

Described as "a tool that allows users to explore and learn about a potential future colony of Mars," the described base is "anchored in real possibilities, based on real science with direct direction and feedback. scientists from NASA and JPL on the technological and material constraints. to build a human habitation on the red planet. "

This realism extends to the topography around the base, as it uses field data extracted from Mars reconnaissance orbiter.

Project Eagle is available on Steam.

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