Hundreds of Internet users explode the national costume of Miss Universe, Singapore, depicting the North Korean-American summit


Hundreds of Internet users have excoriated this year's national costume that will be worn by Miss Universe Singapore as it represents the nation at the international beauty pageant.

Designed by Moe Kasim, the dress represents the top United States-North Korea that was held in Singapore in July this year. The costume features a digital image of a handshake between two people – one arm carries the flag of the United States, the other the flag of North Korea – located above the line of the # Singapore skyline, printed on a long blue skirt.

The bodice of the dress consists of a white peace symbol on a nude fabric. The dress is completed by a pair of white dove wings 3 m long. It will be worn by Zahra Khanum, Miss Universe Singapore, when she will perform on stage in Bangkok for the National Costume Show.

This is not the first time designer M. Kasim has designed the Singapore national costume for the woman representing the nation in the Miss Universe contest – this is the third year in a row that he has done so.

Revealing that he had chosen the theme of the dress this year for "peace in the world," Mr. Kasim told New Paper: "The most difficult thing was to get the message through the design with taste. I had to consider political sensitivities and what all this meant for Singapore and for the international community … without (creating) any misinterpretation. "

Mr. Kasim added, "This year's costume is different because it does not contain any multiracial, architectural or iconic elements or themes," Kasim said. at all. Instead, it is solely based on a historic Singapore calendar event, which is rather unique, and is subject to international scrutiny. "

Miss Universe Singapore, aged 24, told the publication that she had found that the dress had "a very serene and soothing effect". She added, "My first impression on the costume was that it looked absolutely angelic and that it truly embodied the essence of world peace … It clearly represents an element of which we have all need: promote a sense of unity and friendship rather than angry hatred. "

Net surfers, however, strongly disapproved. Criticizing the design of the dress, several netizens asked why the national costume of Singapore carried the flags of two foreign countries:

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