If Tony Stark designed the motorcycle helmets, they would probably look like that


Are you a motorcyclist who lacks some Iron Man technology in your life? If so, the manufacturer of smart helmet systems, Jarvish, supports you. Or maybe more properly, your head. Launched on Kickstarter this week, Jarvish is offering a "special introductory offer" for its Jarvish X and X-AR helmets. It offers a plethora of features such as voice control, indoor speakers, noise suppression technology and, in the case of AR, an augmented reality head-up display with visual navigation information. All this is packed in a pure carbon fiber protective shell.

The X Series bike helmets connect to existing AI wizards, including Alexa, Amazon, Apple's Siri and Google Assistant, all of which can be voice-activated. Voice control can also be used to provide detailed navigation instructions, traffic conditions and weather conditions exclusively through sound, audio and visual. In addition to that, there are 2K cameras, which can record sequences on a memory card or broadcast them live via social media.

"Me and [my co-founder] Jeremy Lu, CEO of Jarvish, told Digital Trends that for decades we have been using motorcycles since we were very young. "When we decided to design these helmets, we did so with the goal of being long-time bikers. We did not want it to be just technology; we wanted safety to be a priority. "

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For this reason, the helmets also offer neat collision detection technology. "There are sensors inside, which use our own developed algorithms," Lu continued. "These are able to detect when riders have an accident. It is very precise, which allows us to know when the rider is riding and wears the helmet instead of just throwing it home. "

Provided it works as well as described, it's an incredibly complete package that takes advantage of the latest technologies. The technology is apparently sufficient to be tested by the Taiwan police, which seems to be very satisfied. Unsurprisingly, the answer on Kickstarter has been very enthusiastic so far. The helmets have already tripled their fundraising goal in one day of commissioning.

As always, we offer our usual warnings about the risks associated with crowdfunding campaigns. However, if you are aware of these issues and still want to get involved, go to the Kickstarter page. A Jarvish X helmet will cost you $ 399, with shipping scheduled for April. The AR-X, more expensive, costs $ 899, and shipping is scheduled for September 2019.

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