Internet users highlight the irony of President Halimah's call to encourage curiosity and innovation


During her official visit to the Netherlands, President Halimah Yacob drew inspiration from the Netherlands and expressed the hope that Singaporeans could learn from the example of the Netherlands' strong spirit of innovation. .

She was impressed by the ability of the Dutch to "turn adversity into opportunity". Citing the example of how the Netherlands has devised ingenious strategies to protect itself from the waters, almost a third of the country lying below sea level, President Halimah was impressed by their determination to protect their land. Over the years, the Dutch have developed a range of solutions such as canals, pumping stations and dikes to help solve this problem.

She was also impressed by the progress made by the Netherlands in food safety, including the use of vertical farming, which helped the Dutch to intensify their production to become the world's second largest exporter of agricultural products. food value.

President Halimah suggested that Singaporeans follow the Dutch example to promote a culture of curiosity from an early age in order to nurture the spirit of innovation. She said, "When the children come home, do not ask them if they finish their homework … ask them the questions they asked their teacher." She pointed out that 39, it was to encourage children to think and then feed them. trait across society.

His comments have generated strong and varied reactions from users.

Many pointed out the irony of the President's suggestion of nurturing curiosity when the administration itself does not like the public too much to ask too many questions:

Others have pointed to the failure of the education system that maintains "robots" instead of individuals capable of critical thinking:

Some questioned the logic of his comments:

While others are still moved by the fact that President Halimah was not the president for which the majority voted:

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