Japanese Expatriate Imprisoned for Mistreating a Woman, News from Courts & Crime & Better Stories


A Japanese expat was sentenced yesterday to eight months and four weeks in prison for entering a female toilet and assaulting a woman.

Warehouse manager Wataru Murase, 29, pleaded guilty on November 1 to two counts of violation of the law and molestation. Two other criminal offense charges were considered in sentencing.

The court heard that on 12 October Murase entered a women's toilet on the first floor of Far East Square, Pekin Street, at 11:43 pm, but was chased by a woman.

He went to the men's restroom and lingered in the area before returning when the woman left the restroom.

Shortly after midnight, a 21-year-old woman entered the restroom and Murase ran inside.

Assistant Attorney Amanda Han told District Judge Kenneth Yap that Murase had approached his victim from behind and slipped his hands to the top.

"The victim immediately covered his chest, squatting to protect himself while shouting," the DPP added.

  • $ 15k

    Bail given to Wataru Murase. He was ordered to surrender on January 2 to begin serving his sentence.

"However, the defendants persisted and also squatted … Finally, they gave up and got out of the toilet."

The victim came out a few seconds later and approached a security guard who advised him to alert the police.

Murase was seen offering bail of $ 15,000 yesterday and was sentenced on January 2 to the state courts to serve his sentence.

For outraging the modesty of the woman, he could have been sentenced to up to two years' imprisonment and a fine or caning.

And for each criminal offense, he could have been imprisoned for up to three months and fined up to $ 1,500.

Shaffiq Alkhatib

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