Life on Mars? NASA scientists discover more and more "FONGI" PROOF in Mars Curiosity Rover Science photos | New


For hundreds of years, the Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli has turned his telescope on the red planet, making him the first man to map Mars. Mr. Schiaparelli observed dark areas, which he presumed to be seas, connected by linear features of several hundred kilometers, which he termed "canals". The results captured the public imagination, triggering an obsession.

NASA may have now answered if fundamental alien life is developing on Mars.

Algae, lichens and "martian mushrooms" all seem to have been photographed by NASA's rovers, Opportunity and Curiosity.

And photos of 15 mushroom-shaped specimens claim to show them grow and emerge under the red sand of Mars.

Dr. Regina Dass, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Life Sciences, India, said the co-author of the study: "There is no abiogenic or geological force on the Earth that can produce sedimentary structures, hundreds, having the shape of a mushroom, stems, stems and throw what looks like spores on the surrounding surface.

"In fact, NASA photographed fifteen specimens getting off the ground in just three days."

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And Dr. Vincenzo Rizzo, a biogeologist with the National Research Council of Canada, also indicates that seasonal fluctuations in Martian methane are additional proof of life.

He said: "As detailed in our article, 90% of terrestrial methane is of biological origin and seasonal fluctuations in atmospheric methane are directly related to plant growth and death cycles.

"The cyclic fluctuations of methane Martian reflect the active biology that is also described in images before and after specimens photographed by NASA."

However, the evidence is so controversial that the prestigious Journal of Astrobiology and Space Science Reviews has submitted the article to a thorough peer review by six independent scientists and eight editors.

And while three of them rejected the evidence, the remaining eleven recommended the publication, after some revisions.

The official position of the newspaper is: "Evidence is not evidence and there is no evidence of life on Mars.

"The abiogenic explanations of this proof can not be excluded."

Some scientists believe that photographed circular specimens emerging under Martian soil are not fungi but hematite, a form of iron oxide, which NASA affectionately calls "blueberries".

Dr. Rizzo said, "We do not disagree with NASA. NASA has some of the world's leading scientists and engineers.

"However, hematite is also a product of biological activity.

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"Just as stromatolites are shaped together by the action of cyanobacteria, fungi and bacteria also contribute to the consolidation of the terrestrial hematite.

"We should expect the same biological processes to help shape the hematite on Mars."

Dr. Dass added, "Hematite does not take the form of lichens either.

"These Martian specimens have the shape of a mushroom, a stem and a stem, have the same height and have the same growth patterns as terrestrial lichens."

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