Meghan Markle Baby: Why is Meghan more likely to have twins? | Royal | New


On Monday, October 15, the Kensington Palace issued a statement confirming that Meghan and Prince Harry were expecting their first child.

The announcement was made when the Duke and Duchess of Sussex moved to Australia to undertake a 16-day tour of Oceania.

Kensington Palace tweeted: "Their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are very happy to announce that the Duchess of Sussex is expecting a baby in the spring of 2019."

The news came just five months after the couple's wedding at a sumptuous ceremony at Windsor Castle in May, followed by millions of people around the world.

Kensington Palace added, "Their Royal Highnesses have appreciated the support they have received from around the world since their wedding in May and are delighted to be able to share this good news with the public."

Meghan is growing while she has traveled to Australia, New Zealand, Tongo and Fiji with her husband.

Bookmakers have also paid close attention, with some chances of reducing the likelihood that the duchess will be pregnant with twins.

Coral reduced his chances from 8/1 to 4/1, while Paddy Power reduced theirs from 33/1 to 12/1.

Why is Meghan more likely to have twins?

The reason for speculation around Meghan's pregnancy being twins is her age.

At 37, the Duchess's pregnancy is called a "geriatric pregnancy".

Women who become pregnant over the age of 35 are considered to have a geriatric pregnancy.

It's in this category that Meghan is most likely to carry twins because according to the NHS, the odds of having non-identical twins are much higher during geriatric pregnancies.

Women over 35 are more likely than their younger counterparts to release more than one egg during ovulation.

As women get older, the hormones change, which causes the release of more than one egg.

Helen Turner, Family Leader and Professional Assistant at the Twins and Multiple Births Association, told "Older women, women in their late 30s to early 40s are therefore more likely hyper ovulate.

"From what we understand, this is due to the change in hormone levels."

Although bookmakers are reducing the chances of Meghan having twins, according to NHS Choices, women over 40 are more likely to have multiple pregnancies.

The risk of multiple pregnancy is also increased when babies are conceived through IVF.

Meghan may also be subject to more health checks throughout her pregnancy, as geriatric pregnancies are also associated with risks of high blood pressure and gestational diabetes.

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